Theevanam Additives &Nutraceuts Private Limited
was incorporated on 19th September 2016 with a commitment for excellence in bringing out quality products and innovative formulations in food and feed additives sector. It is promoted by faculty and scholar of IIT Madras and people with several years of research experience in microbiology, fermentation technology, downstream processing, nanotechnology, polymer science and food and feed nutritional biomolecules.
It is a start-up company incubated at the Bioincubator of IIT Madras Incubation Cell (IITMIC) located at Research Park of IIT Madras. Amidst the rich stimulating atmosphere of advanced research and innovations of IIT Madras, this company is dedicated to bringing out novel products and formulations for aqua/ poultry industry and health care.
The company is dedicated to face challenges in the field of animal and human nutrition.